Here are some of the highlights of the school on the day. A biiiig thank you to all who turned up and who made the day so special.
Art Room
Plato meets Kodak. The door of the darkroom.
Danny La Roux.
Screen painting
Yes, we do use chairs!
Wool room
If you've not been to the wool room, you're in for a treat. Here Linda puts together the most amazing pieces from scratch. Wool is washed, carded, spun, felted, - whatever you can do to wool is done here.
Different varities from different kinds of sheep.
Wool that's been washed. Ready to be treated, etc.
Spinning song.
The loom
No wool, no problem. Rag rugs recycle old cloth.
Drum carder
Making a waistcoat.
Felt slippers
You may or may not know that children start doing woodwork from Class 5 onwards.
This is class 5's first project - a christmas mobile. The children have designed and sawn the pieces themselves. It will then be sanded down and then decorated and painted with glitter varnish.
Something a bit more complicated for Class 10. A christmas nativity set. The wood was donated by Lara McCann and comes from her orchard - ash, perfect for working with.
Luke de Villanuve the woodwork teacher and sculptor, gives a hand to the finishing touches with a stool.
Doing the shepherd.
Music Room
A warm, cosy music room is well used by all Classes from One upwards. Doubtless it has seen countless reditions of Speed Bonny Boat..
Julie and Sophie showcase the work done in Class 9, the age of revolution.
In Class 7, energy is being studied.
Ed Galloway chats with grandparents and parents of Class 2.
Class 2's work on creation - Okowe's Tree of Life.
They are looking at houses in Class 2 now - our habitation and how we relate to our environment.
Our Nancy as she greets all comers to the Morning.
Our resident office troll.
Class Two, looking good.
Times tables which were done over the past year reflect the colour and excitement of fall and fireworks.
Relating geometry to maths.
The wee nature table.
St Martin 'action figures'
Class Five - botany and civilsations
Prepare to be blown away by fungi!
Saoirse with her work