Tuesday 7 June 2022

More saints...

It's been incredibly busy now as we get deeper into the school year. Class Two have started with the maths main lesson, even as we covered off more saints last week. St Joan, St Margaret (both visited by St Michael) and St Columcille were also touched. The theme of challenge goes on and last week the challenge of times tables and conkers proved very popular in both measures. St Joan on the blackboard. Teddy bears picnic with the gnomes now turned into teddy bears and made a bit more abstract. Although they still played mathematical games and took turns being Mickey Minus, Gilby Giver, Paddy Plus and i can't remember what the division gnome is called. It was literally back to the drawing board with the two times tables and this week they've already started on the three times tables again. The nature table is coming along beautifully with the colours of autumn. The class!!! Showing off their finger knitting. St Margaret's wee hut when she has her dream. St Joan - each child had a sentence and a scene which they drew and wrote out of their own choosing and imagination. In addition to all these lovely pictures, i have not been able to take the great work that the gardening teacher Liz has been doing with them. They had fried tempura vegetables, they had collected

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